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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 34(1); 1991 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1991;34(1): 44-54.
Intrinsic oscillations in response to puretone and AM tone stimuli in unanesthezied decerebrate cats.
Sun O Chang, Duck On Kim
除腦 후 無痲醉 상태의 고양이에서 음자극시 蝸牛核 神經細胞의 固有振動 發現에 관한 硏究
張善吾1 · 김덕언2
서울大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學校室1;美커넥티컷 주립대학교 의과대학 외과학교실2;

Signal encoding in cochlear nucleus is one of the most important process in auditory electrophysiologic research, but little works were done in this field in Korea. Authors investigated pure tone and amplitude modulated(AM) tone encoding behavior of dorsal cochlear nucleus(DCN) and posteroventral cochlear nucleus(PVCN) neurons in unanesthetized decerebrate cats, and detected intrinsic oscillations in the responses of pause-build-type-III neurons of DCN and chopper-type-I or I/III neurons of DCN or PVCN. The intrinsic oscillations were observed in the neurons showing band-pass filter functions to AM tone. These intrinsic oscillations' frequency were not correlated to the chopping frequency, had linear correaltions with the modulating frequency. With increasing intensity of stimuli, these intrinsic oscillations' frequency also showed increasing tendency.

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