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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 24(2); 1981 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1981;24(2): 141-9.
Epidemiological Study of Chronic Otitis Media in Primary School Children of Chungnam Area
Jin Taek Choi, MD, and Chan Il Park, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Korea
忠南地域 國民學生의 慢性中耳炎에 對한 疫學的 考察
崔鎭澤 · 朴贊日
忠南大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室

Chronic otitis media is one of the most common disease in the otolaryngologic clinics in Korea. Chronic otitis media refers to chronic suppurative otitis media which suggests otorrhea, tympanic membrane perforation and active irreversible tissue pathology of middle ear cleft. This survey was undertaken to evaluate the status of chronic otitis media in primary school children of Chungnam area from April, 1980 to September, 1980. Total number of 16,457 (Male: 8,209, Female: 8,248) primary school children, consisting of 9,145 from four primary schools in Daejeon city, 2,363 from four in south-west coast and 4,949 from nine in middle south area of Chungnam province were examined by means of otoscopy. Children, that had perforated tympanic membrane with or without discharge, were taken as the subjects in this study. The result were as follows: 1) Overall prevalence rate of COM was 0.826% (136/16,457). There was no significant differrence between ages and sexes, but male was much more prevalent in rural area, on the other hand female was more in urban area. 2) The prevalence rate in each area were 0.580% in Daejeon area, 1.566% in west-south coast and 0.930% in middle-south of Chungnam area. COM was much more prevalent in west-south coast, about 3 times more than in Daejeon city. 3) The prevalence rates in each socioeconomic group were 0.395% in higher group, 0.628% in middle and 1.852% in lower group. Significant difference was noted between the groups; much more prevalent in lower group than in the other groups. 4) The prevalence rate in the groups classified by educational level of parents, was relatively higher in the group with poorly educated parents (1.286% with father, 1.034% with mother) than in the group with highly educated parents (0.624% with father, 0.586% with mother). 5) The age of onset of COM was at 5 years in 20.59%, at 6 in 16.18%, at 7 in 14.71%, at 4 in 13.97%, and at 3 and 8 in 11.03%. On duration of COM, 41.18% of cases had history of 2-5 years, 33.09% over 5 years, 15.44% 1-2 years and 10.29% below 1 year. 6) On otoscopic findings, central perforation was observed in 83.55%, total defect in 11.18% and marginal perforation in 5.26%. Unilateral COM was much more than bilateral, about 7.5 times.

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