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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 32(3); 1989 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1989;32(3): 442-50.
Measurement of Nystagmic Threshold of the Caloric Test on ENG by Employing Microtheromoregulationg System
Su Geun Gu, MD, Nan Gum Choi, MD, Eui Kyong Goh, MD, Byung Woo Joe, MD, Soo Geon Wang, MD, and Kyong Myong Chon, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Korea
미세온도 조절기구를 이용한 온도안진검사 역치에 관한 연구
구순권 · 최난금 · 고의경 · 조병우 · 왕수건 · 전경명
부산대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실

Caloric test is one of the most useful procedure in evaluation of vestibular function. Nystagmic threshold was originally measured by controlling water temperature without unpleasant sensation. Recently, by development of the ENG apparatus the minimal nystagmus can be detected more precisely. In the present study it was aimed to pursue the possibility of measurement of the nystagmic threshold of caloric test in 42 young adult by employing microthermoregulating system that can control exact water temperature up to 0.1℃. Subjects were chosen from healthy Korean between the age from 16 to 27(mean age 24.0). They had no history of physical or mental abnormality, hearing impairment, dizziness. Those who had a history of middle and external ear diseases were precluded. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Thresholds to the cold and warm water in both sexs were : The stastistical significance between sexes was shown in the left ear to cold water(p<0.05), and right ear to hot water(p<0.01). Man : 1) left ear to cold water 33.79±0.59℃, 2) left ear to hot water 40.61±0.81℃, 3) right ear to cold water 33.86±0.48℃, 4) right ear to hot water 40.72±0.69℃, Woman : 1) left ear to cold water 34.28±0.69℃, 2) left ear to hot water 40.15±0.47℃, 3) right ear to cold water 34.10±0.58℃, 4) right ear to hot water 40.10±0.31℃ 2. Average threshold of total 42 normal subjects were ; Left ear to cold water 33.92±0.65℃, right ear to cold water 33.92±0.52℃, left ear to hot water 40.48±0.75℃, right ear to hot water 40.55±0.66℃. There was no stastiscal significance between left and right. 3. The latency in the case of cold water was 59.23±a2/1.68 sec. and in the hot water was 59.36±1.94℃. 4. As unplesasant symptom manifested during caloric test, mild nausea in 4 cases(9.5%) was evident. 5. Based on the these results, it is concluded that the threshold of nystagmus is accurately able to be estimated by employing the microthermoregulating device. Thus, it is considered that the caloric test can be safely performed with few side effectly using these facilities.

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